
Employees Feel More Productive with WFH Model than In Office

Employees Feel More Productive with WFH Model than In Office (1)

With the pandemic altering the corporate working pattern worldwide, employees have reported positive experiences with the “new normal.”

As the COVID-19 has become an unavoidable aspect of life, the definition of normalcy has
changed. Professionals around the world are tackling the modern norms to balance and
keep up with productivity amid the uncertainty.

The large-scale transition to the WFH model was not easy for many organizations. However, workers have become acclimated to their new home office, and most of them are aligned with remote working now.

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With the digital setup of workplaces globally, two-thirds of employees feel more productive,
claims a recent Lenovo study. The report titled, “Technology and the Evolving World of
Work” have analyzed the employee sentiment and preferences amid the current scenario –
including the pros and cons of working from home, how they are managing work-life
balance, etc. About 63% of employees reported that they are more productive at present
than they were in the office culture.

Lenovo has surveyed over 20,000 professionals across the globe with a gauged outlook
toward remote working. This is not a new norm for some; however, it has become a
practical situation for most organizations with the outbreak of Coronavirus.

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The surveyed respondents belong from the US, India, UK, France, Germany, China, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, and Italy. The study also revealed that nearly 52% of the respondents are expecting to continue in this new normal work pattern – even if the pandemic threat is no longer exists.

For the cost of transition, on average, the US workers have spent around $348 (which is $70 more than the global average) – for technology setups, internet connectivity, and other
necessary improvements.

About 40% of the employees had to increase tech spending in order to work efficiently. Furthermore, some senior respondents indicated about balancing the complications due to work as well as home duties.

However, on a positive note, many of the professionals noted that they had been financially
savings on things like commuting expenses, daily meals, and office wears. Besides, many
employees claimed that while working from home, they have more flexibility as well as

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Dilip Bhatia, VP of Global User and Customer Experience at Lenovo, as mentioned
in the company blog post –”This data gave us valuable insights on the complex relationship
employees have with technology as work, and personal is becoming more intertwined with
the increase in working from home.

Respondents globally feel more reliant on their work computers and more productive but have concerns about data security and want their companies to invest in more tech training. We’re using these takeaways to improve the development of our smart technology and better empower remote workers of tomorrow.”