Payment Technology Co., Ltd. will introduce the alumni recruitment tool “AnyJob” to Spread Co., Ltd. =, which operates a transportation and warehousing business, from January 2025. This will be the first case of using AnyJob in the logistics industry, and the Company will continue to strive to expand its business area.
AnyJob is an HR tool that guides experienced “alumni” to employment. Spread is looking to match people with past part-time work, and welcomes experienced people who are familiar with the company’s operations as spot workers.
The logistics warehousing business requires the timely delivery of a wide variety of products from a wide range of industries in accordance with the business style and strategy of the customer. For this reason, Spread’s logistics department operates at full capacity 365 days a year, and labor shortages and recruitment costs have always been issues.
The company uses part-time part-time work services to secure personnel. By introducing AnyJob, the company can offer spot work to alumni with work experience, matching the company with alumni who want to work in their spare time.
By making job offers to people with experience in the company’s work, the company can reduce matching fees and advertising costs associated with recruitment while enabling it to employ people who can contribute immediately.