
SYSTRAN Powerful Language AI is Now Available for RelativityOne

SYSTRAN Powerful

Today, SYSTRAN, the leader in AI-based translation technology, announces that both their on-premise and SaaS-based Machine translation of text and audio files are now available for RelativityOne.

The new cloud compatible connectors augment its current portfolio of on-premise Relativity connectors to scale and translate globalized data to make e-Discovery translation more efficient. By extending this functionality, Relativity customers can benefit from the performance, security, scalability and flexibility that the cloud offers.

“E-Discovery is a long and daunting process before even considering today’s sheer volume and size of globalized data,” said Ken Behan Vice President Sales & Marketing. “This extension of SYSTRAN functionality within RelativityOne transforms the discovery process to make digital data more searchable across all 58 English-centric languages that SYSTRAN Provides”

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Information Governance (IG) and e-Discovery procedures face mounting pressure from the dramatic growth of Electronically Stored Information (ESI). Legal standards and rules governing e-Discovery requirements have also contributed to the rise in litigation and associated legal costs. Within this environment, Languages Other Than English (LOTE) documents, can pose major challenges, especially when ensuring the mandatory confidentiality of e-Discovery procedures.

SYSTRAN has been a technology partner with Relativity for seven years and during that time many legal organizations have benefited from SYSTRAN CMLess for Relativity. Now, RelativityOne customers have the flexibility to buy language technology by the character, month, year or as a perpetual license making it easier for them to align their needs with the right solution.