Spectrm launched Instagram Messaging Solutions today, enabling brands to scale one-to-one messaging with Instagram’s 1 billion users.
Consumer demand for messaging businesses is growing fast, accelerated by e-commerce growth due to COVID-19. In the first half of 2020, online spending in the US grew by 30.1% to reach $347.26 billion. The adoption of e-commerce increased from previously infrequent online shoppers by 160%1. With 75% of consumers now preferring to engage brands in private messaging channels vs traditional channels, conversational marketing platforms, like Spectrm, are seeing rapid adoption by consumer brands.
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“We are thrilled that Spectrm is launching Instagram Messaging Solutions. Businesses and people are messaging with each other more than ever, and Instagram is an important channel to connect with customers and build relationships,” said Konstantinos Papamiltiadis, VP of Platform Partnerships at Messenger. “Messenger API support for Instagram means businesses and developers can now manage their customer communications on Instagram at scale.”
“We’re excited to add Instagram to the growing list of messaging channels our conversational marketing platform integrates with,” said Max Koziolek, CEO at Spectrm. “Private messaging is the most popular form of social communication today. It’s increasingly how people want to engage with brands. Messaging offers customers the personalized and instant connection to brands they want.
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For brands, it enables marketers to identify preferences and tailor buyer journeys at scale in real-time. The result? Better customer experiences that generate more revenue and build stronger long term customer relationships. Making it easier for people and brands to connect with Instagram messaging is a big step for the industry.”